Why does consciousness exist reddit

Why does consciousness exist reddit. Relative to the waking world, my dream characters don't exist. If we assume that we can only be born once as a human then we have to ask why that's the case. Lmao, yeah. " But really if life ever evolved a brain, then each of those brains was going to call itself "me" and then some of those brains were going to wonder why they existed. I can replace your brain with a machine that is its equal in every way, so that from the outside, nobody could tell the difference. g. Consciousness is a system function to acquire energy and take specific actions to preserve the persistence of the self. So all one needs is to come to the belief that a creator exists, believe such a religion and it’s founder are telling the truth, and if said religion believes it, one could believe in the existence of souls. Although for sure, all evidence points to that, and it definitely seems the most logical conclusion, the problem is that we’re limited to our own senses, and what we can see, observe and record, which is not necessarily the entire picture. If you have reason to believe in a creator, and then a message of a creator, if stipulated that such things exist is all one needs. (2) consciousness is a product of the brain. I can see you sitting in the chair—that is publicly observable, but only you know what it's like for you to sit in the the chair and experience your thoughts and feelings—that is private. If there's a rule that states: "You can only be born once as a human and then you're gone forever" then there has to be a reason why that rule exists, why "human" specifically, and on top of it someone or something had to establish that rule somehow. so far we don't have any evidence that this is the case. Perhaps this is why Joshu shouted "Mu" when asked whether a dog has the Buddha-nature. You then need to think about the possibility of new code, yet to be made. It’s not really a “soul” or “spirit”, that’s just what we call it to understand it. It was just random chance the universe created this virus that just keeps creating with no real purpose. I mean there is no point for life, all we do is consume as much materials as we can and then reproduce more offspring to do the same Where does this circle end,,? If we assume that we can only be born once as a human then we have to ask why that's the case. why does consciousness exist you might ask? well, why not? if there's such a thing as "nothing", as you're asking for there to be, if there was ever such a state as "nothing, no existence" then that nothing acts as an empty womb and also holds the potential for "something" to exist or occur eventually - if the potential for "something" exists Ok, so far, no religious system was able to consolidate an all powerful, all knowing, and all loving deity, and no god I'm aware of made his presence known to us, so I would say, he does not exists, or he just does not give a fuck So, my theory is that a soul does not exist, and consciousness comes directly from our hardware (our brain). That being said, I do buy that classical computers can display external signs of consciousness to arbitrary precision and so this might be a moot point if you only care about external behaviour. There is also the problem of whether someone without consciousness could even understand the concept well enough to meaningfully answer the question - after all, consciousness is puzzling enough for conscious beings! Consciousness is a difficult problem and there is no univocal answer to these kinds of questions in philosophy. Aug 11, 2022 · Consciousness can not simply be reduced to neural activity alone, researchers say. You’re asking why a noun defines its conjugal verb. Focusing on determinism: everything from the Big Bang unfolds in exactly one way, Well, it does, but in definition only. This purpose explains how it evolved, as part of the competition for resources of agents sharing the same environment. in the words of NDT if you ask a tapeworm what our purpose is it would respond that we're here to feed them. Please note that as of July 1 2023, given recent changes to reddit's platform which make moderation significantly more difficult, r/askphilosophy has moved to only allowing answers and follow-up questions by panelists. A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptual and mathematical framework. A non physical subjective system that can operate on physical entities like you yourself, and act better than a simple zombie would. Question: Why, then, does it seem so real? If, for example, the experience and sensation of the color green, it's green-ness, is an illusion, why does it seem green? Consciousness is a property that exists entirely separately from the physical world, perhaps in the form of a soul. I think you’re wrong to say it’s indisputable that consciousness is created in the brain. Consciousness has a purpose - to keep itself alive, and to spread its genes. Instead I will take that central claim that they all make: "There is no hard problem of consciousness". , in a coma) but still are “conscious” because they still have subjective experiences. Yet we know the software you are using didn't originate in the hardware, except the bios but was loaded into it. In the rare cases any group manages to clear both of those near-impossible hurdles, several further problems remain: "our tests come up inconclusive," "our tests don't distinguish clearly non-conscious things from conscious things," and (for guaranteed 100% The brain might have a way of making a unified web of consciousness across itself that a classical computer is incapable of creating. i don’t want to feel anything, i’d rather just not exist. Dec 20, 2018 · Experts do not know how human consciousness arises. If you mean subconscious it exists because it evolved first. Here's the point: You asked whether consciousness is just information processing. And because it feels that way, "how do i exist" feels far more profound than "why does this particular rain drop exist instead of those quarks having ended up as coal instead. There are certainly examples of people who are “unconscious” in the medical sense of not being alert (e. Opening up a human won’t let you find their ghostly spirit, nor do ghosts exist in the first place afaik. At times I believe that consciousness doesn't really exist in any external sense, that is to say consciousness is literally the internal experience of the very correlated electrochemical processes we've discussed, and hence won't ever be adequately described or analysed in such a descriptive level because it's actually a false problem. Why this body, why at this point in history. What could not be more obvious is that certain conscious states are correlated with certain complex brain states, not that conscious states are identical with those brain states. If there is a universe with no consciousness to experience it, does it exist? Well the answer is that the question itself doesn't make sense. Sep 25, 2023 · In a 2020 paper, he suggested that the universe “is composed of a set of partial views of itself” and that “conscious perceptions are aspects of some views”—a perspective that he says Feb 24, 2021 · I am rather appalled when scientists go arround telling people that "free will doesn't exist because (roughly) : (1) free will is a conscious perception. If free will exists, that would favor survival for consciousness to funnel into one and block out all the "noise" which exists even in a sober brain But if free will does NOT exist it seems to favor the idea it is a byproduct and therefore may be something shared by incredibly simple forms/collections of matter I simply do not know! I agree it seems strange, but it sounds more likely than everyone having consciousness if we accept epiphenomenalism. So consciousness is also random chance, maybe 'we', as the universe werent meant to be experiencing and observing ourselves at this level. In the case of the color red, it is the phenomenon of a brain interpreting the wavelength that a particular photon has. If we define a soul as a non-physical essence of a person then a soul must exist, as consciousness is not physical and we each personally have it. Could this explain why people like David Grush, Jacques Vallée, Gary Nolan, Ross Couthard, and Luis Elizondo have all suggested that the UFO phenomena could be linked to alternative dimensions and that solid matter (including UFO craft The concept of the self genuinely doesn’t make sense. And by “consciousness”, you should understand it as broadly as “the totality of all first-person experiences”. Thus, all things that exist have a consciousness of some sort, but the actual functions of that consciousnesses varies from thing to thing. This is very similar to a question like, "Does a dog exist outside of consciousness of the dog?" The concept of a soul is illogical to me. ” Consciousness is the presence of subjective experience. This is what I refer to in the paper as "consciousness-as-property", and I go on at length about what exactly it would mean for that property to exist and why it does not. For r/consciousness: For discussion of the scientific study of consciousness, as well as related philosophy. What separates us from other animals, a higher consciousness. The treaty actually says nothing more than that the autonomy granted to the confederacy of 1500 is extended to the members that have joined since. (4) physical processes are deterministic. It could not be more empirically evident that consciousness is the result of complex neural processes within a unique, working brain. The difficult problem is explaining why such a connection even exists, that is: why some physical arrangements produce consciousness and others do not. Focusing on determinism: everything from the Big Bang unfolds in exactly one way, Some people claim that consciousness is all around us, a fundamental function of the existing universe; itself alive in its happening. Brains generate consciousness via a complex system of interactive elements, powered by chemicals with the aid of electrical current. (3) the brain is physical. How does that exist- as a possibility or potential. Is the question then why does existence exist? Can existence not-exist; if not then existence must exist by definition, what else could it be? Depending on context, something, the contents of my dream for example, can both be thought of as "existing" or as "non existing". Thus the brain does not create consciousness. We exist to bring about an ideal state of energy for the universe that cannot be achieved by natural reactions alone. i hate that the minuscule amount of space i take up in the universe causes me to feel things, to be self-aware. If life has no goal, then it will at most be an unconscious reflex, no different than the knee jerk reflex. Human consciousness seems so complex because we can say so much with it. But it's also possible that if the brain dies, atoms will be dissolved into particles from what was once consciousness as in the first law of conservation of energy, it states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, so isn't to say there is slight chance maybe in a x amount of years that part of our energy can be sandwiched again to make us 're-exist' in another form throughout the universe. Thus, they distinguish “phenomenal consciousness” (the Yet, you know for a fact that things do exist, because here you are. If consciousness is fundamental then why does pain and suffering exist? Because consciousness requires a goal such as do not get injured, so getting further from that goal is suffering. Then later we evolved to have the parts of our brain responsible for conscious thought. You only have about 650 thousand hours to be alive, so you shouldn't spend too much time thinking about "why" you exist, unless you're a biologist and you want to make your purpose to achieve a greater understanding of how people come to exist. Although current science does not provide a theory concerning what cellular or systemic mechanism might correspond or correlate better to thought or reasoning than electrical signals in our brains, that does not preclude the possibility there is more to consciousness than a simple neural network weighted with voltage potential or synaptic current. I just can't think of why, leading me to believe there is no 'why'. It’s a fallacy and, further, a sign of false intellect to pose a question that appears “deep” but is really concealing the fact that the person posing the question is just confused and doesn’t know how words work. So why discuss this? Just for the fun of not being able to respond in a way that makes sense to thought. It's all that was needed for survival. If anyone else has though about this I’d love to know and maybe here some theories that “solve“ this problem. From this perspective concepts like an afterlife (of any kind) and God become much less absurd, although this doesn't prove either. . I have never come across any reliable sources of evidence which describe how a soul is placed in the body (if it can be placed by a mother it can be placed artificially), how it is created (if it can be made by a mother it can be made artificially), or where it goes after the body dies (where is the pile of souls?). If you think that clockwork computation probably doesn't experience qualia, then consciousness isn't just information processing (no matter how sophisticated that processing may be). A theory of consciousness should explain why consciousness exists in order to explain how it evolved. If we fail the big crunch happens, which is the current reigning champ for lowest energy state. , physics, chemistry, and quantum events). Dec 20, 2018 · Briefly Explained: Consciousness. As long as there exists something that cannot be observable from the 3rd person perspective, the hard problem of consciousness exists. The "formal independence" of 1648 is something of a myth. Consciousness is subjective experience, privileged private access to publicly observable events. Sep 11, 2020 · The solipsism problem, also called the problem of other minds, lurks at the heart of science, philosophy, religion, the arts and the human condition Consciousness is a fictitious illusion; it doesn't actually exist. Welcome to r/askphilosophy! Please read our updated rules and guidelines before commenting. In the same vein, all of the energies and biophysical phenomena that the brain experiences as consciousness do indeed exist independently and outside of the brain (e. What I claim does not exist is the property of consciousness (read, "chairness"), such as in questions like, 'Is this entity conscious?'. I’ll do my best to explain what I know and I hope someone is willing to join a team with me and work on this together. Nevertheless, they generally agree on how to define various aspects of it. Why me and not my siblings or someone else entirely. Consciousness is generally understood to mean that an individual not only has an idea, recollection or perception but also knows that he or she has it. But the wondrous experience of consciousness itself seems to require a brain to give rise to it and a brain-based mind to perceive it. Why can't we apply the same methodology of saying 'free will does not exist' or 'free will is an illusion' to 'consciousness does not exist' or 'consciousness is an illusion'? The argument could follow the same pattern as the 'free will does not exist' argument. This does not automatically include the…. Until anyone shows beyond doubt that consciousness has an effect on what we do--in essence, proves that free will exists--there is no reason to believe that consciousness is anything other than an experience with no causal relation to our actions It’s like asking why does light alight; why does selfishness self. Dec 7, 2021 · Why do we experience life in the first person? Imagine that a future version of me, perhaps not so far away, offers you the deal of a lifetime. Even if you get a group of people who agree on it, they rarely (if ever) come up with any kind of test which can match that standard. Sure AI can, but you haven't shown that AI isn't conscious since you haven't posed any specific criteria for what is, or isn't "consciousness". Human consciousness is an important topic of discussion because it is believed to be the reason humans experience what we experience. You can't have existence without consciousness and vice versa because they're the same thing. Given the idea of Murphy’s law + the assumption that the universe is infinite and time is infinite than one’s consciousness will never cease to exist and there will be a you out there somewhere in the infinite time and space of the universe that will exist in the exact same way making it where you consciousness can never be permanently to ask why implies that there is a reason or some sort of goal/purpose to the universe. Generally, though, people who think consciousness is a result of physical processes (say, brain processes) say that you're conscious in your body for the same reason your heart is pumping your blood - consciousness just picks out one of the features of a normal working human body In philosophy, “conscious” is not usually equated with “alert. Consciousness does not exist in the same way that the color red does not exist: it is a construct to help us describe a certain phenomenon. Sep 18, 2023 · Both philosophies hold that consciousness is a result of the physical, but the functionalist position is that the chemical reactions happening in your brain is what consciousness is, whereas the epiphenomenalist position says that the separate resulting experience from those reactions is what we'll call consciousness. In a spiritual sense, our soul brings us to heaven or hell and nothing more. , The universe doesn't give a hootenanny about us- it's busy juggling flaming pineapples while tap-dancing on a xylophone made of spaghetti! We're just a bunch of flapdoodle, a cosmic kazoo solo played by a hyperactive kangaroo! Look out life has no meaning, so u should seek to do what makes you happy in your temporary blip of consciousness in the universe, but why do we have to exist at all. The document states that “solid matter, in the strict construction of the term, simply does not exist”. For me, the layman, the hard problem of consciousness doesn't look hard at all. To me arguments on the subject look like wishful thinking of people wanting the consciousness to be something "beyond" or physical The reason we complicate things and ask silly questions like why is there everything is because of this thing called Counsciousness, Without counciousness we would have none of this questions, thus I ask was Counsciousness a mistake, if not a mistake why constantly looking for reasons to exist in a meaningless reality or life ? Why can't we apply the same methodology of saying 'free will does not exist' or 'free will is an illusion' to 'consciousness does not exist' or 'consciousness is an illusion'? The argument could follow the same pattern as the 'free will does not exist' argument. I think thats why some people experience ghosts is this: when you're in the dark your mind tells you "there are hostile creatures here that you cannot see, there are hostile creatures here that you cannot see" and gives you that concept. It's entirely possible that consciousness is the net result of electrical signals passing through a complex weighted network. So, there seems to have to be something that supports the existence of all these contingent things: a necessary bedrock of existence that sustains the existence of all the contingent things. The fact that consciousness evolved means it's preferred to unconscious animal beings, so consciousness creates an advantage, a reward system, that can influence reality. Why, oh why, APPPLESAUCE are we here?? What's the purpose of a rubber chicken riding a unicycle on the moon?. As we previously saw, the hard problem exists as long as subjective experience exists. Throw in an attention mechanism that identifies the largest self need and isolates the relevant sensor inputs to satiate that need and you have a system that has consciousness like a human has consciousness. Why does it exists why do we have self awareness, it doesnt have any end goal or reason for existence Why is it there,, Why cant we human figure away to stop it. oxvgjn vowzsi gigeyh opnth oqhoul wvg vjh ngdzu ykdcb jugk  »

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